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Sunday, November 20, 2011

happy thanksgiving!

We're anticipating a lovely Thanksgiving this year, spent in AK with my mother-in-law's family. Although I'm not exactly thrilled about the idea of flying, and even less so about flying with 9-month-old Z.

I went to visit my brother in Houston a few months ago, and the flight home with Z was definitely not one of the highlights of the trip (!). I'm considering getting some homeopathic Calms Forte to (hopefully!) settle her down so she'll sleep most of the way (which, if you read the previous post, you'll understand what a treat that would be). I'm going to research it a little and see what I can find out, since I'm not comfortable giving her Benedryl to make her sleep; she's not allergic to flying, as far as I know.

What things has God blessed you with this year that you are thankful for? An obvious one for me is my sweet, bright, strong, energetic, lovely little Z who just fills my life with joy. But there is so much more: my dear, encouraging, funny, amazing husband; the wonderful friends God has put in my life; a home that we can use to His glory...there are just so many things to be thankful for.

What are you thankful for this year?

Have a great one, everyone!

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